The admin will be notified of the following :
- KeyContract - Insert Key: Notification received when a locker is reserved, but the key is not available
- KeyContract - Synced: A notification is sent when a KeyContract has been synced.
- KeyContract—Un-synced: When a previously synced KeyContract is un-synced, a notification is sent. The notification provides details about the reason for the un-syncing.
- KeyContract—Re-synced: A notification is sent when a previously synced KeyContract has been re-synced. The notification provides details about the re-syncing reason.
- KeyContract - Sync exception: A notification is sent when a KeyContract has failed to be synced.
- Device group - not found: Notification sent when a KeyContract is upserted with a group that is not found in the LivionKey system
- Device group - free locker limit: A notification is sent when the configured limit for a Device group is reached.
- Device group - no free lockers: Notification sent when no more free lockers are found for a Device group.
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