LivionKey API V2

LivionKey API V2

LivionKey API V2 documentation focuses on the iLOQ S5 keys handover and returns automation process, but it also handles mechanical keys. Don't hesitate to contact for more details.

Third-party API integration for iLOQ S5 keys

The LivionKey EM device is designed to program iLOQ keys, allowing the storage of keys without predetermined access rights. With Livion's iLOQ-specific APIs, third-party systems can queue key handover reservations. This process requires access rights, key quantity, contact information, and the preferred pick-up location. Using these inputs, LivionKey prepares the specified iLOQ keys to be programmed with the desired access rights. Notably, these access rights are encoded when the user fetches the keys, ensuring that programming occurs just in time rather than beforehand.

Determining the Pick-Up or Return Location

Each key can be tailored with unique programming, enabling users to retrieve keys from any available key automat conveniently. The API offers three methods to choose a pick-up location:

  • Key Automat Group: Users can select a group of key automats. The LivionKey system then identifies the most suitable automat within the selected group. Groups are customizable via the API.
  • Specific Key Automat: Ideal for scenarios where the exact key automat for key exchange is predetermined. It's also useful when end-users can choose their pick-up location. In this case, the API lists all available key automats, allowing users to pick their preferred one.
  • Key ID: This method links keys to a particular key automat. Typically used for specialized scenarios, it's not recommended for regular API operations. Specific key management systems may use this approach for facilitating handovers by choosing a specific key.

Common Use Cases

Temporary Key Assignment - Default Contract

A temporary key assignment is defined by a specific start and end date. During this period, users have access to the keys. It's mandatory to return the key by the contract's end date. In this scenario, the key automat reserves a locker exclusively for the designated key until the contract expires.

Ongoing Key Assignment - Fetch Contract

An end date is not set for ongoing key assignments, ensuring continuous access rights. Once the key is collected from the key automat, the locker is not permanently held for this key but is made available for other uses. This option is optimal for situations where long-term access is anticipated.

Key Return Procedure - Return Contract

Any iLOQ S5 key can be conveniently returned to a Key Automat. This includes keys previously assigned through a fetch contract or directly obtained from a locksmith company.

End user notifications

The LivionKey system enables users to receive SMS and email notifications concerning key pickup and return, as well as reminders to return the key. These notifications can be activated by setting particular flags when calling handover a key. Once these flags are specified, LivionKey will autonomously dispatch notifications to the identified contacts.

API Documentation

Open API docs can be found from: